What is Cold Pressed Undenatured Whey?

Hearthy Grass Fed Whey is a high-quality protein supplement with several key features. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Key Features:

1. Grass-Fed Source: The whey protein is derived from cows that are grass-fed, meaning they are raised on a natural diet of grass rather than grains. This is often associated with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which are beneficial for health.
2. Cold Processed: The protein is cold-processed, meaning it’s not exposed to high heat during production. This helps maintain the integrity of the protein and keeps it undenatured, preserving its bioavailability and amino acid profile.
3. Undenatured Whey: Since the protein is undenatured, it retains more of the natural nutrients found in whey, such as immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which can support the immune system.
4. Free From Additives:
• GMO-Free: The product does not contain genetically modified organisms.
• rBGH-Free: No recombinant bovine growth hormone is used in the dairy production, which is a synthetic hormone some farmers use to increase milk production.
• Soy-Free & Gluten-Free: Suitable for people with soy or gluten intolerances or allergies.
• No Added Sugar: Unflavored and unsweetened, allowing for flexibility in how you use it without added sweeteners.

Nutritional Profile:

While the exact nutritional profile might vary slightly depending on the batch, typically, a serving of this type of whey protein powder might contain:

• Calories: Approximately 100-120 per serving
• Protein: 20-25 grams per serving, making it a good source of complete protein
• Fat: 0 grams
• Carbohydrates: 0 grams, often minimal due to the lack of added sugars
• Sodium: 50 mg


1. Muscle Recovery & Growth: High in essential amino acids, especially BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids), which are crucial for muscle recovery and growth after exercise.
2. Supports Immune System: Contains immunoglobulins and lactoferrin that can enhance the immune system.
3. Versatile Usage: Because it’s unflavored and unsweetened, it can be added to a wide range of foods, from smoothies and shakes to baking recipes, without altering the taste.