Hearthy Foods was on the Food Network
These Alternative Flours Are Popping Up Everywhere
Let the plant-based baking begin!

"Remember when your only options for flour were white and whole wheat? In the wake of the gluten-free craze, alternative flours like almond, oat and rice emerged, offering Celiac suffers options for baking, thickening and breading. With the ever-increasing demand for plant-based foods, the next generation of flours is completely grain-free. Flours made from fruits and vegetables are popping up online and on store shelves, and the wellness community can't get enough of them. Most are made from dried and ground fruits and veggies with little or no additional ingredients." - Dana Angelo White, MS, RD. ATC (she got more degrees than a thermometer).
We at Hearthy Foods make all of our flours in-house. We don't get them ship from other countries. Know that the flour that you order was made fresh. Our flours are not tasteless, bland, or burn flour devoid of all nutrients. We dehydrate at lower temperatures to maintain the vital nutrients. We mill it and pack it all right here in Los Angeles, California.